In production
Check out this great video of some of my behind the scenes techniques for building low-budget practiacl model minature effects.
Check out this great video of some of my behind the scenes techniques for building low-budget practiacl model minature effects.
For this kitbashing technique i incorporated 3D print files I extracted from my animated project. You've got to have fun with this folks...
ASG Artizfacts Studio Gallery film production
Pre-vis test practical effects: Note..These are pre-vis test not final composite shots.
Pre-vis effect test
Here are some Behind the scene visual effects test with practical models
Practial effect with rear projection
Partiial scale practial model miniature cityscape
ASG-Artizfacts Studio Gallery Animation Promo 5
ASG-Artizfacts Studio Gallery Animation Promo 1
A compilation of digital compositions and sketches of a character designs and concepts or artist Kevin McDowell, Founder of ASG-Artizfacts Studio Gallery.
CGI digital effect
CGI digital effect
ASG-Artizfacts Studio Gallery LLC
1216 Broadway New York, NY 10001